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Career Services

A guide for researching careers, jobs and sources and help with resumes, cover letters and interviewing.

Creating Your Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)

What is a resume?

A resume is a one- or two-page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience.

What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?

A CV is often required when applying to graduate or professional programs, employment with international firms or when promoting oneself primarily within academic fields. In addition to the fields normally seen on a resume, a CV may also include publications, professional licenses or certifications, educational or professional awards, and relevant course work. Since the CV usually includes more information, they are most often longer than resumes.

The purpose of your resume or CV is to get your foot in the door.

A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude you from consideration.

To prepare a successful resume, you need to know how to review, summarize, and present your experiences and achievements on one page. Unless you have considerable experience, you don't need two pages. Outline your achievements briefly and concisely.

Visit the following links for guides to help you create your resume or CV:

Biggest Resume Mistakes