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Video Production and Editing

Planning Your Video's Story

When planning out your video, sit down with your assignment and make a list of ideas. Now is the time to be creative!

Sift through your list and ask your team the important questions:

  • Can we complete this idea by the due date?
  • Does this idea require special skills we don't have yet?
  • Does this idea require too many people...or too much stuff?
  • How are we going to get everyone and any equipment to the filming location?

Cross off anything complicated, expensive, far away, or otherwise impractical. While planning your video, think ahead to avoid legal problems and other painful experiences. Keep ideas that are creative, simple, safe, fun, and legal...and meet your assignment requirements!

Once you have your ideas in place, create a storyboard. Storyboarding before you shoot any footage will help you streamline filming and editing your video and avoid problems like continuity errors and meandering plot lines.